▷▷▷Throwing Events - Track & Field
Along with running and jumping events, throwing the Track & Field trifecta complete. Launch events, the javelin, disc, shot put, hammer throw. The spear is thrown women's heptathlon and men's decathlon. The men's javelin is longer and heavier than women (men are 800 grams and 2.6 to 2.7 meters, compared to women from 2.2 to 2.3 meters lance 600 grams). All javelins keep a handle in the middle of the race with a spear. The spear is thrown afterOperate at a predetermined distance (at least 30 meters) to gain momentum. If the shooter has reached the line, or just before it releases the javelin. All throws must be made with seafood. Pitchers are not allowed to run as provided in the disc. The tip of the spear of the land necessary to avoid disqualification.
The disc is no longer part of the pentathlon, although it was in the old version. The man-disc is 2 kg and 220 mm and that for women is 1 kg and 181 mm. TopSchool practice washer contest rubber is often used because it is inexpensive, robust and more evenly than metal Discus. The disc is thrown from a particular circuit. They have been raised before the shot and a counterclockwise and a half times. Once momentum is established, the shooter is the disc. The discus spin-off of the index and middle fingers in a straight / sidearm motion. CDs in a clockwise direction as they move to the ground.
shot put is the act ofPress a metal ball (stroke) through air. The shot put may refer the motion and the ball. Launch from inside the circle is the goal of getting the ball as much as possible. The landing point of the ground fault where the ball bounced first, not the end point of call measured. Shot-putter called 60 seconds to start their names with their waste. The males weigh 7.26 kg and women hits 4 kg.
The last event was the launch of the hammer throw.Although historically hammers were used, not the participants actually modern hammer throw, but machined metal balls attached wire. The males weigh 7.26 kg hammer and 3'11 3 / 4 ", and women are 4 kg and 3'11". To start, participants swing a hammer over his head. Once the momentum turning in circles 3:00 to 4:00, competitors drop the ball.
In general, there are five stages in all the races fifty-seven launch. A match consists of each player's shot. The competitorThe longest throw wins (if there is a tie, the second longest shot wins).
Ball Hammer
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