▷▷▷If you do not Lunges
I must be crazy because I'm about to tell you, it will not sink - one of the most commonly recommended multi-muscle movements - an exercise that is ubiquitous in fat loss and muscle building programs.
But there are moments that are not suitable sink.
Today I witnessed a perfect example of someone who can not make a lunge. When I was doing in the gym the Prisoner Lunge forward and 20 minutes of warm-ups for upper body workout, then a lady came up and fellnext to me, falls entirely on the road.
With each repetition, which would fall on one side or the other and twisting her body brutally spanking (which I'm surprised they do not hurt). Simply did not coordinate with the exercise, let alone do it Keep the dumbbells in each hand he had.
That my friend is a perfect example of someone who should not do lunges. And I know many of you can not because of sore knees, thrusts, and weak muscles, asI have taken for the replacement of exercises by e-mail. So let my progression through the lower body exercises that will help you better results more suitable for exercises and running without hurting the knee.
We will start work on the carpet and our way of standing exercises - as you should if you are a beginner.
Here's our list of lower body exercise progressions:
2-Leg Hip Bridge / Extension
2-Leg curls exercise ball
2-Leg Hip Bridge / ExtensionBall
1-Leg Hip Extension
Wall Ball Squat
Body Weight Squat
Prisoner of body weight squats
Belza Split Squat
Split Squat
Lung Forward
(NOTE:. ... All the key's first teacher should split squats, lunges before, because your feet never leave the ground, the less difficult this year instead of lunges, if you have balance problems, this will help avoid. . difficult situations like the woman at the gymtoday).
Once you have mastered the split squats and lunges base, you can single-leg deadlift, Bulgarian split squats, single leg squats and move and so on. There are dozens of lower-body construction spoils, hamstring-help exercises you can do without weights.
PS This is how my workout went today ... and I was in and out in less than 20 minutes.
Total body weight warm-up (when I thought, two new push-up exercises for training future body weight)
Superset# 1
DB Shoulder Press
Superset # 2
EZ-bar biceps
Superset # 3
Cable lateral raises eccentric
DB Hammer Curls
Here too, all in 20 minutes.
Follow the right progression for the safety and results in fat burning exercise workouts.
Ball Hammer
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