▷▷▷Hammer of the thigh for Football Speed Extreme
The question of how to get faster for football in my inbox at least a dozen times a week. I thought that we had the speed all the calcium, it found, but recently I was forced to train in a commercial gym ... Unfortunately, this was a wake-up call that most of the players ZERO idea how to get faster.
It 's rare that I step into a commercial gym strength speed football and training for players in those days. But on rare occasions when I am forcedgo to one of these joints creep, I'm always struck by two curious phenomena:
1. Most guys seem to light bulbs, all upper body, without legs
2. The leg training done by most of the "athlete" is a disgrace
Most of the training effort is going to leg leg curls, leg extension, leg press and squats may from time to time ... usually with no more than 225 pounds bar. This can take the average man in order, but for those players, football, "How can I quicklyfor football, it is necessary to train your legs hard and heavy.
Most soccer players should take a page from the textbook powerlifter training: It is absolutely necessary to attack the thighs and buttocks! The chain often cited posterior (PC) is of paramount importance, athletic ability. The thighs, buttocks and back are the key to being fast and lifting heavy weights in the deadlift and squat. Each football player will ever faster and more explosive, but many do.
These athletesusually neglect training the muscles most responsible for the speed of development: the muscles of your PC.
In the training of thigh muscles, are some important points are highlighted.
• The group is composed of the biceps femoris biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. This must be hard work for maximum speed and reliability.
• The hamstring muscles have two functions: flexion of the knees and hips straight, both movements have to be trained.
• The hamconsist of a high percentage of fast fibers and should therefore be a lot of training. These muscles respond best to low reps - even from single!
Reacting · Since the large amount of fast-twitch fibers, and eccentric hamstring work program 0.1
• If failed, the thighs should be treated more often, to catch them up to the powerful quad.
Take note of these points in designing a training program forAchilles tendons.
The following 12 years to take the hams and glutes hard and heavy.
02:59 A selection of them and add them to your training. I propose to put in one of these movements for the year the main leg of the day (ie, dead lifts and squats). Shoot for 4 to 6 sets of 4-6 reps per set.
Buttock-Ham Raise
You will receive a special glute-ham bench for this exercise they need. The movement looks something like a back hyperextension, except that the legs are bentKnee and pull your car with the thighs, buttocks and calves with heavy feet in the toe board and flexing the thigh. Every gym in one of them. For more information on this exercise and the bench glute-ham of some of the writings of the Westside Barbell Club, which really popular this year.
The Glute Ham may increase depending on the session can be executed, even if only with body weight. Or you can use it like any other weight and balance exercise. This isone of those rare cases in which the motions I doubt you can never do too much.
Romanian deadlift (RDL)
RDL Cut like a straight leg are, only instead of bending at the waist and pulling up to the bar, you have the sides on the journey back to China. For many, the SLDL thighs neglected during overload of the lower back. This applies particularly to short leg, long torso lift.
The RDL is probably not for your thighs and buttocksthan any other movement, with the exception of the deadlift. It 's really a very underestimated exercise for athletic performance and aesthetics. The RDL can do wonders for those who are faster for football.
Be sure to keep your back flat, and you can be clean and handles for a change. This is a movement in which you definitely want to keep the low number of repetitions. 4 X 6 is a good set-rep system to start. Really push your hips back, stretching the ham, then opens.
This can be complicated by its having a DB at a time.
One-Leg Cut
I got this little gem of Pavel Tsatsouline. This brutal practice is done with two dumbbells or kettlebells. Insert the DB on the opposite side of the foot of the leg you are working. With a slight bend in knees, bend forward at the waist and grasp the DB.
The non-working leg should be behind you and the earth. Go as high as you feel comfortable. Now, with onlyArms, pull up the database to life, while on the back foot until you are upright on two legs, with the DB on the sides.
This is a great movement to improve the speed of football, because it works the thigh muscles one leg at a time to perform very similar.
Snatch Grip Cut
I received an email the other day to ask for help because I am Snatch grip deadlift (SnDL) so much and why not other variants.
Well, there are several reasons, but allDeadlift variations should be used in the football program under ... especially if you are as soon as possible!
· Snatch Grip Dead force only in a lower position, forcing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks to work harder. Moreover, the benefits of the work of the entire back gets.
Each time may be the hamstrings, the better for you in particular to build leg strength and speed! If your hams are weak, to forget in a hurry.
I would use the beltsSnDL because of a wide grip.
But there is mad large to handle. I'm 6'1 and my index finger about an inch beyond the outer rings on a rod York. I know you've probably seen O-lifting with the collar to collar grip, but even though I was competing in O-lifting, I did not go that far.
Someone might say, simply pull off a platform, and that's good, but it's a different movement. is part of the fun of how hard SnDLs also need to force your abdominal muscles working to keepfall forward. This exercise teaches you to really feel the pull back out of the ground, a valuable lesson for all of you to improve your deadlift.
Snatch grip deadlifts a box of 4 inches
We exercise a brutally effective and make it more difficult to put on a 4 "box (or block of wood). This practice is absolutely terrorizing the thighs and buttocks ... with a nice bonus to hit the upper back and traps enough well. One thing you will noticewith RDL and SnDLs is that the upper back and traps are usually pretty sore the next day. They always, if you hold a heavy beam, and then have several iterations in a train movement, traps and upper back are working to stabilize the load.
The 4 "box is a wider range of movement is not so high as to significantly alter the mechanics of the body. If you find your form of degradation to 4", try a "box 3.
Focus on sitting back and letting the hams and glutes do all the work.If there is an error that I see over and over again, this movement is that if the weights harder to start, raise your arms ... this is a recipe for disaster restart. If you find that you pull the arm, reducing the weight a bit 'and build again.
This exercise can also be Max Effort (very difficult) the motion can be used or can be used as an accessory elevator.
Band leg curls
This is a great movement for the ham in a dynamic way to train. Tapes to help train the legs toremain strong over the entire range of motion, because the exercise will be even harder, the closer you get to the finish.
Choke a band around the posts of the rack sitting on a bench and the band around the back of the ankles. The band should be some tension, as the legs are extended. Now contract the hamstrings hard and want a quick, explosive leg curl.
Band leg curls can also be done one leg at a time. 3-4 sets of 8 to 12 is sufficient.
Dynamic Lunge
Lungesgot a bad reputation because most of the dolls in the gym with a stride of 3 inches and 2 pounds DB. If, however, with moderate-heavy weights and a dynamic (explosive) so made, the Longe a tool in the tool box heavy weight training.
• The thrust should be a song long enough, and instead simply forward and back, as soon as his foot to go before exploding again.
Lunges are done in this way, because the effectiveAthletes actually opens and closes the kinetic chain movement during the execution of el 'lunge also helps the athlete will be strong to support a high percentage of its weight on one leg to work very similar.
Do not be afraid to go heavy on the lunge. No one said you have quantities of 15 to do! 3 or 4 groups of 4 to 8 are to beat the hamstrings and buttocks thoroughly.
Dynamic Medicine Ball Leg Curl
This exercise works great as a finisher, and also supports the developmentExplosiveness in his legs.
Start with your face down on the floor with your legs. Take a medicine ball partner role of the hind legs.
If you get the ball at the ankles or the back of his shoes to blow the ball back to feel your partner with a Leg Curl-type movement. You can take a couple of times to do it perfect, but if you do it is to fly back to the ball and your head and your partner must take the ball at about waist height. This is a greatMotion in the thigh in an explosive way to train curling. If you're prone to leg stretched or pulled during the race, you are given a shot. You can repeat this exercise, the rates of 80-10 would be unwise.
Make sure that a partner who can get to catch the ball.
Towel curl
You can probably say now that I'm not a big fan of leg curls smooth. The machines are so limited in their movement patterns and strength.
However, I noticedvariations included three leg curl in this article. Why? Well, as I said earlier, the two aspects of the Achilles tendon function at work. But it is the leg curl machine for sausages. Both the bands and medicine ball leg curl curl are ideal for the formation of the ham in a dynamic way, but the resistance is limited.
Enter Leg Curl napkin. Lie face down on a bench with his legs dangling over the edge. Having a partner to wrap a towel around the back of the ankles, now they want a legwaves.
This method is superior for several reasons:
1) Variable resistance: You can increase or decrease the load on your partner or as needed
2) Increase the resistance during the eccentric phase, your partner just pull hard at the lower part of the lift and fight against the resistance.
3) ways variables can be narrow or wide, a leg or two to go, during exercise. Turn on the path of movement has done wonders for the wholeDevelopment.
The towel curl can be performed either by (4-8) repetitions. be made to do 3-4 sets at the end of the session.
Kettlebell Swings
Oscillations are one of the best, but the most abused exercises to form the Achilles tendon. The swing is widely seen as a movement made spoon type. This style was popularized by those who are the swing as a tool for fat loss, when they did that to repeat very, very effective.
However, we are here on merit and strength of the hamstringthen this is not the style, we'll use. The real swing KB, one is for speed, power has been done, and muscular development of a much longer range of motion with one final "click" at the bottom of the movement.
Note that in the video below that in the end, when the K-bells all the way, I step forward. E 'reversal of the dynamic that is of the utmost importance! If they swing slowly, you make an unworthy manner. Make sure you pop the hip on the road untilmuscles of the buttocks are.
Do not be afraid to go fast on them. It is not written in stone that you have to make ultra-high repetitions. 6 reps - In fact, you should shoot for 3 or 4 sentence 4. They now make up to £ 106 kettlebell, so keep working hard, the strongest among us. A barbell can be used when Kettlebells are not available.
With the football player, I found this exercise to be an excellent exercise, if performed as a warm-up to a maximum stress (heavy) of the leg. It 'nicethis situation to wake up the hams and glutes and let them know that is a lot to do!
Swings can be used after a serious move at the speed of the day or end of a session as a finisher.
Upright sled walks
Pulling and pushing sleds Prowlers is a great way to say, but can also develop as an alternative to the legs. If most or push pull a sled, you do so at an angle. For your thighs, you must disconnect from the target of a very honorableLocation.
This is best done while wearing a belt, but giving the belt for a lifting of the belt can be done. When you start to drag, to keep your body upright and can not just walk, the use of "pull" your feet to the ground. To see in action the next time you walk your dog, remember to get behind him and, like dogs (all animals) and pull the bottom step towards her.
You'll know when you do this correctly, because if you feel an intense narrowYour ham.
Sleigh rides, instead of the other hamstring / gluteal exercises mentioned above are performed. Start with 3 sets of 30-feet and trying to work up to 6 At this point, the extra weight.
If there is one thing that is the heart of the crowd gasps in horror more when I told them that I said cardio is a waste of time to think, it `s when I tell them that instead of running on a treadmill-some God Forsaken , go out and sprint!
Sprint is the training tool to improve long-lostYour air conditioning, body fat of the torch, and develop a set of killer legs. Although not an athlete, Sprint is still a great idea. The act of sprinting places an enormous effort and only ham, buttocks and hips. Take a look at the legs of a sprinter and NFL cornerback, and you'll be a good idea of what Sprint can do for your legs!
Remember, for the development of Achilles tendon, we believe the short sprint. We are not here after conditioning (which isanother story for another article).
Start with 4-5 sprints of 30 meters. Building up to 8 then you can start playing with the distances, try 30's, 40's, 50's, as well as some shots back. If you have not flown for a while ', start slowly! You can not feel much while you are out, but Sprint can cause pain big time.
Treated as the sprints Upright Walking Sled: they can be used as an alternative to all other hamstring exercises or can be made from their days.I found that most of the athletes in the sprint fly directly to their dynamic (speed) decreased day. Some like the end of a session to do heavy legs. Experiment and see what works best for you.
You're done. If the hamstring is missing training, choose two or three of these movements, put it in your program and see the legs produce Extreme Speed football!
Ball Hammer
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