▷▷▷Woodworking Tools: Selection and care can save money, part 5
Woodworking: Tools of the Trade, Part 5 - Tools for mounting
A civilization, maturity and intelligence is judged in part by the diversity and sophistication of its tools. When it comes to woodworking, the human race is quite advanced. There are general tools that work well in many situations, and there are special tools for a particular purpose. There are tools that only personnel and a rudimentary knowledge, and others require you to use computer programs, a largeRange of knowledge, and a powerful engine. We have also learned to harness the power for our tools and package it in a small battery component, we use the freedom of our tools wherever we need it.
It 'really amazing and wonderful, the large number of tools and all the craftsmen who are considered capable of creating and using these tools. And for many people, work with tools is one of the emotions or even obsessions, of woodworking machines.
Wood andtools that have become so popular that there are many companies that buy these instruments and produce thousands of jobs. Combine that with the large number of different types of instruments and can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to woodworking. Our experts focus on the basics, develop an overview of the tools needed to make a good start in woodworking.
In simplest terms, a carpenter should be four types of instruments. Do you need a job,Tools for cutting and shaping, tools for assembly and finishing. This simple statement is the basis for further discussion of tools for woodworking.
The tools listed here represent only the tip of the iceberg and described. In line with the philosophy that it is better to learn the basics first, and do not invest large sums of money is safe as long as a person having an interest in sustainable wood, the focus is on the instruments, with a few basic power toolsthrown in. These tools should be prepared for a variety of beginner projects and give you a solid foundation of equipment and expertise to build.
Assembly tools
Once you have the wood cut and shaped, it is necessary to complete the project. There are tools made specifically for this purpose, and the list includes some of the largest household tools such as screwdrivers, hammers and drills.
As the name suggests, are used for power toolsInsert the screws into the wood. Most people are familiar with a flat head or Phillips screwdriver and Phillips. There is also a flat-head screws to square with square head.
Within each of these groups there are different specialties of the screwdriver. Some measures to be interchangeable parts or ratchet. Some have magnetized tips to keep the screws.
Selecting Tips
Most people buy a set of screwdrivers to make sure we have a variety. Select aScrewdriver with a firm and steady grip. Make sure the tree does not bend so easily and the blade or point is in good shape. Prices range from several dollars to over $ 10 for a specialty or a multi-purpose screwdriver. Most of the bargain bin tools fold easily and are not really a good buy.
Care and maintenance
Avoid rust is the main concern with screwdrivers. Clean and store in a dry place. In addition, we want to be careful not to force a screw or use the wrong sizeas this part of the tip of a screwdriver or square cut.
Hammers and mallets
Most people have used a hammer or pen hammer for basic household projects like hanging pictures or putting up shelves. Hammers have a metal head for driving nails and other fasteners. A hammer has a head shaped like a pop, is solid and heavy. They are used to chisel the car or in the joints apart. The head can be made of steel, wood or rubber. Some are magnetized. Moreover, mostPeople find it helpful to have different styles of hammers and mallets.
Selecting Tips
A good hammer or mallet to have a sound head strikes firmly handle. Some have reinforced fiberglass or handles. Others are filled. The choice between convenience and cost. A good hammer may be purchased for under $ 10, while rods may be more expensive, depending on size.
Care and maintenance
As with screwdrivers, hammers, and the main concern withMallet is the prevention of rust. Occasionally, replace or install the connector.
If you want to keep two pieces of wood or glue, or hardware such as screws, it is often convenient to use the clips to hold the timber, while or until the glue dries work. In addition, important security tools parentheses if so keep your piece of wood securely when cutting, drilling, forming, etc.
There are many different types of media for their appearance, callMaterial made of, as they did operate or what they are used. Terminal C and F-block, because it looks like they are called, two species that are normally handled by tightening a screw. The area that rotates in contact with the wood usually adapt to different angles and areas. These terminals in an extraordinary variety of sizes to accommodate almost any job.
When working with metal braces, teeth or surface that the wood is often cut or nick your stuff. U.S.damaged pieces of scrap wood as a buffer between his work. Some people use wood screw shook hands, the two wooden blocks of large bolts. There are also terminals for long spans, trigger sensitivity edges collets with a third shoe, and adjust some other specialty designs to your specific needs.
A vise is a heavy type of clamp, which is often mounted on a workbench. Can be used and the most open in many very different situationsto accommodate a wide variety of projects.
Selecting Tips
Choose a clip or know someone who has been tested and recommended in woodworking magazines. New gadgets come on the market all the time, but many of them do not work, or are not suitable for woodworking. It can be very dangerous if the clamp slips or is difficult and tedious to use, so you want to be sure you have a safe and functional.
Also, select the type of terminal that meets your needsand layout of your store. If you do not have a particular bench, a vise to take care of difficult. On the other hand, you can scroll to the creation of a temporary job or being able to supply to different areas. In this case, the terminals, the laptop would be better.
Care and maintenance
For the most part, simply collars should be kept clean and dry. The locking mechanism may need to be oiled occasionally to ensure proper circulation. Depending on theDesign of the clamp, springs or valves must be checked and replaced.
Drilling tools
As the name suggests, a drill is used to create a hole in a piece of wood. You can go to the bottom of the hole, as with an opening for a birdhouse, or you want to stop part of the forest, such as when you insert a plug. The size and shape of the hole determined by the bits used. There are several types of drilling tools in hand.
One pair is apowerful and useful tool that is often overlooked due to the popularity of drills. But where a hole is great, enjoy, have a more traditional, does not have a nearby outlet, or the feeling that the clip is more control. It 's like an inchworm scanning center, with a chuck and ratchet on one end of an oval head and a handle on the other hand, stands in a square horseshoe. The chuck opens and closes with pieces of all sizes to accept, and is often used for drillingmore than 1 / 2 inches and up to 5 cm. The instrument is then lowered his head and turning in a circular motion used with the handle.
Another option for smaller holes is a hand drill, which is operated by a crank and gear. It is used for holes under 1 / 2 inches. It can be difficult to keep straight when drilling in hard wood, which requires more pressure. A gimlet is a hand-held instrument for smaller, shallower holes, such as a driver of a nail or a screw inserted. E 'as a form of Twith an over the top and the shaft extends perpendicular to treat.
Of course, accessibility and the relative popularity of drills has made them one of the most common tools of the house. The limitation is that some of them are bit bigger, which can accommodate strut. Other people find them noisy and difficult to maintain or directly to small complex jobs.
Selecting Tips
The exercises listed here range in price from $ 25 or $ 30 for a basic drillor small hand drill to more than $ 50 for a stable or heavy drill. They can be purchased, but should be reviewed to determine that the bearings are good and the food are in place.
The bits are normally separated and range in price from several dollars purchased for $ 30 each. Often they are designed for use with different types of wood density. When you buy used, look for bits that have left thousands of useable length with trees and not straight scores.
Care &Maintenance
The most important in the maintenance of drilling tools, oil turned parts and keep going. Moreover, sharp tips are important, quality and ease of work. As with other instruments on board, you need to get a professional to get sharp to be able to learn more about this aspect of tool care.
Tool Summary
This is part 5 of the condensed overview of some of the tools that are often the beginningWoodworking projects. As you can see, this topic could and has the content for the entire volume of books and to understand the possibilities in woodworking and create quality projects, it is essential that you develop a deeper understanding of the instruments and plan to use.
It 'also important to note once again that any kind of tool care and maintenance of their needs, which often is more precise than that touches here. The details were leftTo avoid overwhelming this brand new book for anyone working with wood. However, their omission is not important.
"If it were not for your equipment maintenance is ridiculous from a financial standpoint," said shop teacher, Kevin Warner. "Why spend $ 20 on a good quality handsaw or clamp, and then let it dull or rust? Not only do you lose money, your work will suffer because your tools do not work now. And there will be more time in the long run. Takinggood care of your tools is one of the first steps of a carpenter seriously. "
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