▷▷▷General Rules on Athletics
The events of track and field athletics has announced a combination of many sports like running, jumping and throwing. Every track and field game has its rules, which set the IAAF and the participants and organizers, have strictly adhered to. The general rules of athletics is that each participant has the right, in three events including relays participate. In the management of the event, the runner is entitled to a false start and is disqualified for the second time now, various gameshave different rules and as a participant and guest must be followed according to IAAF rules.
The general rules of organizing track and field of view that the stadium must be equipped with seating for spectators. The roadway must be provided to participants must be covered with any material time, such as asphalt or a mixture of rubber and the inner circle are covered with abundant grass. The path must be at least 8 lanes will be divided. TheTime and measures are important in athletics. In some events closely, the difference may determine the fraction of a second, the winner. So, as an officer you have to do and use the latest equipment in order to avoid confusion. Several modern software introduced for perfect accuracy.
The first thing you do is as a participant, their identity in relation to age, gender, country, etc. Also to confirm, you must have a uniform bearing developed from your country. The shoes peakedUse must be tested and, if possible, you may recall a set of uniform to wear. This allows the fans and officials to identify you. In any situation, you have no right to discuss with the judges or officials. Your decision to be the last word.
In games of athletics, track discipline is important. You are not allowed to leave the track and you can be disqualified for running off the track. In relay events, the line within the area of 20 meters, or otherwise exchange your teambe disqualified. In hurdling events that do not qualify if you go around the obstacle of being deliberately knock down a barrier. The general rules on the track and field clearly indicates that you must traverse the obstacle. In the past, many professional athletes have been excluded for breaking this rule.
In the high jump and pole vault, your ability, a bar is available in different heights clearly crucial. The bar is in the pole vault to share in the high jump. The new rule you can use the fiberpoles instead of bamboo or metal. In both games, you are allowed three fouls and will be disqualified if you are unable to clear bar on third attempt. The general rules about track and field event such as long jump and triple jump states that you are not allowed to jump the farthest horizontal distance by stepping beyond or ahead of take-off board. The same rule applies to discus throw, hammer throw, and javelin throws. Whereas in shot put, the rule states that you need to throw the metal ball with single hand without stepping out of marked circle.
Well, these are the general rules about track and field events. The best way to follow these rules is to practice hard in your training sessions. A foul means you are out of tournament and who knows you may have missed one prestigious medal for your country!
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