Ball Joint Separator - Fix Your Front End

▷▷▷Ball Joint Separator - Fix Your Front End

If you have ever had to replace a ball joint with a pickle fork then you know that they can damage the boot and other parts of the suspension system. This leaves you with additional repairs that not only cost more money but take up your valuable time as well. What you need is a ball joint separator. This great little tool will make your life a whole lot easier and once you use it, you will laugh at how simple is removes those stubborn worn out joints that caused you so much trouble in the past.

This ball joint separator will remove the joint from the spindle arm with ease. It will work on both domestic and import vehicles, cars and trucks. So no matter what type of vehicle you have, you are pretty much covered.

I recently had to use this tool on my Honda Civic. It was so much easier that using a pickle fork and a hammer and within minutes, I had the old joint removed and I was ready to install the new one in it's place.

The joint separator is fully adjustable so it will fit many different applications. It can also be used for removing other parts too. It will work on universal joints and tie rod ends. Overall it is a worthwhile investment and it makes a great addition to any tool box. My dad always told me that you needed the right tool for the job and with this tool you will be working smart not hard!

Ball Hammer

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