▷▷▷Golf Ball Dimples Help Improve Your Game
There have been many studies, books, and magazines that feature the importance of golf ball dimples and how they help the ball travel a longer distance. More and more golf lovers are researching on the topic - how many dimples the ball should have as well as the difference their absence or presence could have on the game. Physicists and other experts say that the dimples on the ball can actually make a substantial difference as they can help the golf ball get more height and altitude, and more distance with every strike.
Golf ball dimples make it possible for the air to pass over them, reducing air friction and letting the ball travel farther and faster. A good analogy is the aerodynamic design of a racing car. Studies show that theses dimples allow the ball to go twice as fast and travel twice the distance compared to a ball without them. As far as dimples are concerned, these balls used in golf are not made exactly the same. The balls are built with approximately the same diameter but golf ball manufacturers put varying dimple numbers with different thickness. In addition, these dimples are available in a number of different shapes and designs, each kind serving a different function. There are even manufacturers that offer a specific number of dimples on balls, depending on the player's preference. Indeed, the golf ball has come a long way since those times when golf players tried to put dimples on them with the use of a hammer.
Golf equipment manufacturers produce balls with varying numbers of dimples between the range of 300 to 500. The average number of dimples on a golf ball is 336. Finding a ball with dimples exceeding 500 is very rare. Just a little trivia, the world record for the most number of dimples on a ball is 1077 with 414 dimples of different sizes and more than 600 dimples that were very small.
Golf rules don't actually specify the maximum amount of golf ball dimples that a ball may have, although there are some experts who claim that having too many dimples on a ball may cause it to drag. Professional players choose to carry different balls in their kit to serve different purposes in their golf game.
Ball Hammer
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